Christmas message from the Divine Mercy Shrine, in Chittering, Western Australia, Christmas 2023

Christmas message from the Divine Mercy Shrine, in Chittering, Western Australia, Christmas 2023

Dec 28, 2023 | Reflections

Wishing everyone a holy Christmas and a truly blessed New Year!

I would especially like to thank all our supporters who have made the Divine Mercy Shrine in Chittering a wonderful reality today. Know that you are included in our prayers every day and all Sunday Masses. My sincere thanks go out to you for your generosity in supporting the Shrine, which truly is an act of divine providence. I thank you for investing in this important work of the Lord for the spiritual good of so many visitors.  Today, pilgrims come from throughout the Archdiocese, as well as from other states and countries. You can learn more about pilgrimages to the Divine Mercy Shrine by clicking pilgrimages button below.

However, there is still much work to be done to complete this wonderful sanctuary. Some of the works include:

1. Completion and installation of outdoor Stations of the Cross                                         25,000

2. Landscaper and installation of Gardens, Water Reticulation, Soil, Paving etc   70,000

3. Mosaics on the Façade of the Shrine                                                                                                  50,000

4. Veranda and paving under verandas                                                                                            100,000

5. Stained Glass windows in Sanctuary                                                                                               80,000

6. Stained Glass window in the Loft (Sacred Heart)                                                                    30,000

7. Artwork – painting of the inside Dome of the Church                                                         100,000

                                                                                                                                                                      TOTAL $455, 000

Please accept my sincere thanks for being so generous. The Lord is not one to be outdone in  generosity. We would greatly appreciate your donation if you would consider it! May Almighty God bless you and Our Heavenly Mother always protect you in 2024!

Fr Paul Fox

Parish Priest  

“Sow happiness about you ... They should take leave of you with their hearts filled with joy.” — Diary, 55 St Faustina