Wishing everyone a holy Christmas and a truly blessed New Year!
I would especially like to thank all our supporters who have made the Divine Mercy Shrine in Chittering a wonderful reality today. Know that you are included in our prayers every day and all Sunday Masses.
However, there is still much work to be done to complete this wonderful sanctuary. Some of the works include:
1. Completion and installation of outdoor Stations of the Cross 25,000
2. Landscaper and installation of Gardens, Water Reticulation, Soil, Paving etc 70,000
3. Mosaics on the Façade of the Shrine 50,000
4. Veranda and paving under verandas 100,000
5. Stained Glass windows in Sanctuary 80,000
6. Stained Glass window in the Loft (Sacred Heart) 30,000
7. Artwork – painting of the inside Dome of the Church 100,000
TOTAL $455, 000
Fr Paul Fox
Parish Priest