The month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. As the Apostle Paul writes, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10).
The name of Jesus is the sweetest and most powerful of all names, and He who bears it is deserving of our deepest love. Those who count Jesus as their friend can be certain that He is the truest, most selfless companion. Jesus is everything to us. Through His name, we can pray with confidence, knowing our petitions will be heard. It is in His name that the Church administers the sacraments, offers prayers, and blesses homes and the sick. In the name of Jesus, the Church also casts out evil spirits.
Here are five reasons to celebrate the Holy Name of Jesus this month:
- It is a name revered by all.
- It is the name through which we are saved.
- Many have died proclaiming the name of Jesus.
- There is immense power in the name.
- Countless saints have dedicated themselves to the Holy Name for centuries.
By celebrating the feast of the Holy Name, we seek to deepen our love for Jesus. If we call upon His name with reverence in this life, it will be His name that we speak when we meet Him face to face.
Everything about our Lord is holy, including His Name. Sadly, the holiness of Jesus’ Name is so profound that the enemy often tempts people to misuse it in anger or frustration, without realizing the gravity of their words. Let us guard and honor the name of Jesus, keeping it sacred in our hearts and on our lips.