Flame of Love – What’s it all about?
Watch as Bishop Ricken, Father Chris Alar MIC and Father James Blount SOLT explain, in this 4 Minute Video.
Our Lady’s messages of Fatima have had a profound impact on our faith. Through heavenly communications, recognised by the Holy Catholic Church, these messages amplify the urgency of prayer, fasting, and sacrifices for the salvation of souls.
Just like at Fatima, Our Blessed Mother entrusted Elizabeth Kindelmann with a prayer to add to the Rosary. Jesus Himself confirms that He desires this prayer to be added to the Hail Mary. The prayer is: ‘Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity,’ inserted after ‘pray for us sinners.’
Elizabeth Kindelmann also received a revelation from the Blessed Mother, who gained an outpouring of graces so great that they have not been seen since the Incarnation. This Flame of Love, emanating from Her Immaculate Heart, will blind Satan and lead souls back to God. Our Blessed Mother implores us to join her in this work through prayers, sacrifices, holy hours, and fasting. Our Lord Himself proclaimed that the grace from the Flame of Love will be to our generation what Noah’s Ark was to His.
The Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann has received the imprimatur and approval from Cardinals and Archbishops, spreading the Flame of Love Movement globally. Through Cenacles of Prayer, National Conferences, and the Flame of Love Rosary, countless souls are being saved.
We are a grassroots movement, faithfully and prudently putting into practice the desires of God and our Mother as described in the Diary. With total loyalty and obedience to the Church, we invite all to join us at the Divine Mercy Shrine on Friday’s at 12.15pm to 1pm were we pray the Flame of Love Rosary.

Discover the transformative power of the Flame of Love Rosary. Embrace the invitation to pray and spread its grace to all of humanity. Just as the Holy Spirit engulfed the Apostles with tongues of fire on the first Pentecost, the Flame of Love seeks to ignite hearts with its divine radiance.
Experience the profound effect of this grace as it renews and revitalizes your faith. Like St. Paul, who underwent a majestic conversion, let the Flame of Love guide your own spiritual journey. Invoke the Holy Spirit, saying, “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love. Send forth your Spirit, and let the face of the earth be renewed.
The Prayer of Jesus (The Unity Prayer)
My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together.
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.
Jesus said, “Through this prayer, Satan will be blind and souls will not be led into sin. ( p.25 )
The Lord explained, “Satan being blind signifies a worldwide triumph of my Sacred Heart, the
freedom of souls and a full opening of the road of salvation.” (p. 87)
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