Reflection for Palm Sunday, Year B

Reflection for Palm Sunday, Year B

Mar 23, 2024 | Reflections

Today we commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, just five days before His Passion. Jesus came into the city as Prince of Peace riding on a donkey, just as prophesied many centuries before. In ancient times when kings came bringing peace they rode on donkeys, when they came bringing war, they rode on horses. There is great jubilation from the crowd who welcome Him as Messiah and Son of David. People place their garments on the road and wave palm branches as they shout out Hosanna to the Son of David! However, a few days later many egged on by the Chief Priests will be shouting: Crucify Him.

This week we commemorate the most profound mysteries of life and death, of God and man, of love and sin.  Jesus fulfils the prophesy from Isaiah in the first reading as the suffering servant. He will endure unheard of sufferings out of love for humanity. St Paul in the second reading teaches that Jesus, the God-man became the most humble, even to accepting the most torturous of deaths in perfect obedience to the Father’s Will. He took all the sins of the world upon Himself, in order to restore what was lost through the sin of Adam and to bring His Kingdom upon the earth. We can all learn from the humility and obedience of Christ.

This Thursday we commemorate the Mass of the Last Supper, which focuses on the institution of the Eucharist, the Ministerial Priesthood and the new love commandment.  On Good Friday we have Stations of the Cross 9am at the Divine Mercy Shrine and then 11am at Edmund Rice College in Bindoon, followed by the Solemn Ceremony of the Lord’s Passion at 2.30pm in the Divine Mercy Shrine. There is then the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses around the Parish with 9.30am in the Shrine.

During this week, Jesus is truly present in the liturgies. Let’s enter into these profound events of our Redemption and grow in appreciation of all that Jesus has suffered in order to set us free from slavery to sin and open the gates of Heaven to us, shut since the Fall of Adam. There is nothing more pleasing to Jesus than meditating on His sorrowful Passion. He said to St Faustina: 

There is more merit in one hour of meditation on my sorrowful passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation that draws blood. The contemplation of my painful wounds is of great profit to you, and it brings me great joy.

So, this week, lets open our hearts and spend more time in prayer than online. Let’s give the Lord the time and attention He deserves, because whatever He wishes to teach us will be exactly what we need most to hear.  Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever.

Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us!