JULY: The Month of The Precious Blood

The Most Precious Blood of Jesus has been a beacon of faith and devotion since the time of His Passion, uniting believers in a bond of love and salvation. As we delve into the month of July, let us join hands with the Church in revering this sacred gift of redemption. The commemoration of the Precious Blood on July 1st serves as a poignant reminder of Christ’s unparalleled sacrifice for our eternal deliverance. Its significance resonates deeply in the pages of Scripture, where the blood of the Savior purifies, justifies, and sanctifies our souls. Through the inspiring examples of saints like St. Catherine of Siena and Blessed Gaspar del Bufalo, the fervor for this profound devotion continues to touch the hearts of faithful across the globe. Let us embrace the transformative power of the Precious Blood, embodying the core of our faith and the beacon of our everlasting faith. May this month be a period of introspection, thankfulness, and a renewal of our dedication to following the path of love and selflessness laid out by Christ.

The devotion has its scriptural roots in numerous references from the New Testament.

In Romans 5:9, we read of justification by His blood.

In Hebrews 10:19, we read of our sanctification and consecration by the Precious Blood.

In 1 John 1:7 we are told that it cleanses us from all sin.

Many saints have spoken of devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus; notable among them is St. Catherine of Siena, who often wrote about the Precious Blood of Jesus in her Dialogue—a written account of her mystical visions. In more recent times, this devotion has more widely taken root in our Catholic tradition.

Devotion to the Precious Blood spread greatly through the prayer, preaching, and work of Bl. Gaspar del Bufalo, a 19th century Roman priest, and founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Blessed Gaspar brought this beloved devotion out of the sanctuary and into the hearts of Catholics around the world.

It is through his life’s work that the devotion grew widespread in the Church. The Precious Blood courses through the Church, giving life to the Body of Christ. It was the cleansing agent that allowed the holy saints and martyrs to wash their robes clean. It is the price of our redemption, the object of our salvation, and the assurance of our eternal inheritance.

As we honor the Precious Blood of Jesus in union with the Church this month, may it awaken in our hearts a love and gratitude for Christ’s gift to us, for He has saved us by His blood.


Conscious, merciful Savior, of my nothingness and of Thy sublimity, I cast myself at Thy feet and thank Thee for the many proofs of Thy grace shown unto me, Thy ungrateful creature.

I thank Thee especially for delivering me by Thy Precious Blood from the destructive power of Satan. In the presence of my dear Mother Mary, my guardian angel, my patron saint, and of the whole company of heaven, I dedicate myself voluntarily with a sincere heart, O dearest Jesus, to Thy Precious Blood, by which Thou hast redeemed the world from sin, death and hell. I promise Thee, with the help of Thy
grace and to the utmost of my strength to stir up and foster devotion to Thy Precious Blood, the price of our redemption, so that Thy adorable Blood may be honored and glorified by all. In this way, I wish to make reparation for my disloyalty towards Thy Precious Blood of love, and to make satisfaction to Thee for the many profanations which men commit against that precious price of their salvation.

O would that my own sins, my coldness, and all the acts of disrespect I have ever committed against Thee, O Holy Precious Blood, could be undone. Behold, O dearest Jesus, I offer to Thee the love, honor and adoration, which Thy most Holy Mother, Thy faithful disciples and all the saints have offered to Thy Precious Blood. I ask Thee to forget my earlier faithlessness and coldness, and to forgive all who offend Thee.

Sprinkle me, O Divine Savior, and all men with Thy Precious Blood, so that we, O Crucified Love, may love Thee from now on with all our hearts, and worthily honor the price of our salvation.

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin.


For All Benefactors of this Devotion
Our Father*…Hail Mary*…Glory Be*…(Association of the Precious Blood )

Offerings in Reparation for the Outrages to the

Precious Blood

  1. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for the propagation and exaltation of my dear Mother the, Holy Catholic Church, for the safety and prosperity of her visible head, our chief pastor the Bishop of Rome; for the cardinals, bishops, and pastors of souls, and for all the ministers of the Sanctuary.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood
  2. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for the peace and concord of Catholic kings and princes, for the humiliation of the enemies of our Holy Faith, and for the happiness of all Christian people.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood.
  3. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for the repentance of unbelievers, the uprooting of heresy, and the conversion of sinners.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood.
  4. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all my relations, friends, and enemies; for the poor, the sick, and the wretched, and for all those for whom Thou my God knowest that I ought to pray, or wouldst have me pray.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood.
  5. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all who this day are passing to the other life; that Thou wouldst save them from the pains of hell, and admit them quickly to the possession of Thy glory.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood. 
  6. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all those who love this great treasure, for those who join with me in adoring it and honouring it, and for those who strive to spread devotion to it.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood.
  7. ETERNAL Father! I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, my Saviour and my God, for all my wants, spiritual and temporal, in suffrage for the holy souls in purgatory, and chiefly for those who wert most devout to this Blood, the price of our redemption, and to the sorrows and pains of most holy Mary, our dear Mother.
    Gloria Patri …
    Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus,
    Who hath saved us with His Blood.
    Glory be to the Blood of Jesus, now and forever, and throughout all ages.

Novena to the Precious Blood

Precious Blood

Recite daily for nine (9) days
By the Voice of Thy Blood, O Jesus! I would press Thee, solicit Thee, importune Thee, though Thou seemest to reject my supplications. I will not leave Thy bleeding feet until Thou hearest me. Too many graces, too many mercies have come from Thy Blood, for me not to hope, even to the end in its efficacy.
Then, O Jesus! by the Precious Blood seven times shed for the welfare of men, by each drop of that Sacred Price of our redemption, by the tears of Thy Immaculate Mother, I conjure Thee, I supplicate Thee, hear my earnest prayer.
~ Mention your intentions ~
O Thou, who during all the days of Thy mortal life, consoled so many sufferings, healed so many infirmities, raised so often a sinking courage; Thou wilt not fail to have pity on a soul who cries to Thee from the depths of her anguish! Oh, no, it is impossible! Another sigh from my heart, and from the wound in Thine own, there will flow to
me, upon a wave of Thy merciful Blood, the grace so ardently desired. O Jesus, Jesus! hasten the moment when Thou wilt change my tears into joy, my sighs into thanksgivings.

Holy Mary, Source of the Divine Blood! I conjure Thee not to lose this occasion of glorifying the Blood which made Thee Immaculate. Amen.
Pater Noster … Ave Maria … Gloria Patri …
Personal suggestion (only):
One may like to offer a total of 7x Glorias in honour of the seven occasions when the most Precious Blood was shed:
Circumcision – Agony in the garden – Scourging – Crowning with Thorns – Carrying of the Cross – Crucifixion –
Piercing of Sacred Heart

Constant Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood,
ocean of divine mercy:
Flow upon us!
Precious Blood,
most pure offering:
Procure us every grace!
Precious Blood,
hope and refuge of sinners:
Atone for us!
Precious Blood,
delight of holy souls:
Draw us! Amen.